Terms & Conditions
By viewing the content or purchasing products from OzarkBikerShop.com, or any other website owned by Wholesale Direct, Inc., you expressly agree & consent that you voluntarily looked at or bought our products without be coerced or forced to view our products in any way. You further agree & consent that if you are so soft skinned that you are offended by the humor found in one or all of our products and that by just looking at some or all of the information on our website that you suddenly feel that you have been irrevocably harmed - then you also hereby agree and consent to indemnify Wholesale Direct, Inc., from suit, should you feel the need to bring such suit. You have the right to come and go to our websites as you please. You have the right to believe that our site and some of it's content is not funny and you have the absolute right to be OFFENDED. If you don't like what we sell or if you are offended, JUST LEAVE. Our laws, here in America, give you great freedom of liberty - They do not give you protection from being offended.
You also expressly state that you are of legal age to purchase any product we sell and that the purchase and delivery of said product is legal in your area. Purchaser agrees to pay all local and state fees or taxes associated with this transaction. Purchaser expressly agrees to indemnify OzarkBikerShop.com and Wholesale Direct, Inc. from any suit brought for any reason associated with the purchase or delivery of said product. Purchaser agrees to pay any and all costs associated with any suit brought associated with the purchase or delivery of purchasers product: Including but not limited to travel and legal fees.
We work hard to get your order manufactured and shipped as soon as we possibly can. There are times when things go wrong and time gets away from us. For those times, we apologize. Please feel free to contact us about your order. I recommend that you contact us at least once within the first week or 10 days - if you have not heard from us. Most likely, your SPAM settings are too high and you are not receiving our e-mails. Please understand, we have made more then a million patches, we are not making these in our garage. We own our factory. If you order a detailed patch small or back patch, We will be happy to provide a digital image of the patch. Please do not ask for a proof of a name tag or lettering only patch. That is busy work and we are too busy to do it. If that is a deal breaker, so be it. Please do not waste our time with non-sense requests. If you have spelled the word or name correct, it will be fine. If I make a mistake, I will replace it for free. So, there is no risk on your part.
Freedom of Liberty is one of the most cherished freedoms we have as Americans. Live it, breath it, and practice it. May God continually grant you more Liberty then the government can take away.